Mariano Villalba

Mariano Villalba

Moving to Florida? Twelve Things to Know

If you’re thinking about moving to Miami, there are more than a couple of things you need to know about it. It’s a worthwhile (albeit considered expensive) move that still needs a bit of getting used to, especially if you’ve…

Will 2020 Elections rock Miami’s Housing Market?

1. Mortgage Rates Are Historically Low All-time low interest rates are driving demand across all fronts. Strong demand created by rate drops has already countered other economic disrupters (e.g.. pandemic, recession, unemployment). “One of the main drivers of the strong…

The Value of Knowing Your Home Value

Considering selling your property? It will cost you ZERO dollars to read this: Whether you’re a first-time buyer or an experienced investor, an educated home market value analysis by a licensed Realtor (versus a computer-generated report) can dramatically increase the…

Condo for sale – El Sol, Hialeah

[fusion_builder_container background_color=”#f2f2f2″ background_image=”” background_parallax=”none” enable_mobile=”no” parallax_speed=”0.3″ background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” video_url=”” video_aspect_ratio=”16:9″ video_webm=”” video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_preview_image=”” overlay_color=”” video_mute=”yes” video_loop=”yes” fade=”no” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” padding_top=”20px” padding_bottom=”0px” padding_left=”20px” padding_right=”20px” hundred_percent=”no” equal_height_columns=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” menu_anchor=”” class=”” id=””][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_3″ layout=”1_3″ last=”no” spacing=”yes” center_content=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” background_color=”” background_image=””…

Condo for sale – Las Estrellas, Hialeah

[fusion_builder_container background_color=”#f2f2f2″ background_image=”” background_parallax=”none” enable_mobile=”no” parallax_speed=”0.3″ background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” video_url=”” video_aspect_ratio=”16:9″ video_webm=”” video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_preview_image=”” overlay_color=”” video_mute=”yes” video_loop=”yes” fade=”no” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” padding_top=”20px” padding_bottom=”0px” padding_left=”20px” padding_right=”20px” hundred_percent=”no” equal_height_columns=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” menu_anchor=”” class=”” id=””][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_3″ layout=”1_3″ last=”no” spacing=”yes” center_content=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” background_color=”” background_image=””…